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Carmel Caterpillars Preschool



In July we had a regular Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements audit and the advisor was very impressed with out Setting.  Comments from them included.....

All safeguarding procedures were effective, communication within the Setting was very good and the management monitored, reviewed and evaluated the provision on a regular basis.

The advisor also did a learning walk around the Preschool and they said the environment provided awe and wonder! All areas of learning were covered well and high quality interactions were taking place and all the children were highly engaged with the staff both indoors and outdoors.

The children's wellbeing was greatly supported and they were given regular opportunities to encourage their independence i.e. choosing and pouring their own drinks and washing up their cups and plates.

Interaction between staff and children was positive and meaningful.  Behaviour was excellent throughout the visit, with staff supporting sharing and turn taking.  Really positive feedback for us all!   


Click for KCC Ofsted letter 



Level 7 (Maximum) achieved in:-

Individual teaching & learning           Staff/children interaction               Safety practice

Peer interaction                                    Encouraging Language                  Supervision of gross motor skills

Art                                                           Meals & Snacks                               Helping children expand vocabulary

Blocks                                                     Toileting & Nappies                                                                                                                                

ECCERS is a continual improvement system with KCC and we are doing very well in all the other sections.