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Carmel Caterpillars Preschool


Carmel Caterpillars Pre-School

First Aid Policy - Promoting Health and Hygiene


Policy Statement

Carmel Caterpillars Pre-School staff are able to take action to apply first aid treatment in the event of an accident involving a child or adult. At least one member of staff with current first aid training is on the premises, or on an outing, at any one time. The first aid qualification includes first aid training for infants and young children. 


The first aid kit

Our first aid kit complies with the Health and Safety ( First Aid) Regulations 1981. To see the full list of contents please ask to see the full paper copy from Louise or Julie, our designated First Aid officer. 


The first aid box is easily accessible to adults and is kept out of reach of children, in a locked cupboard in the kitchen. 

No un-prescribed medication is given to children, parents or staff. 

At the time of admission to the setting, parent's written permission for emergency medical advice or treatment is sought. Parents sign and date their written approval. Parents sign a consent form when registering their child at Carmel caterpillars Pre-School, to allow staff to take their child to the nearest Accident and Emergency unit to be examined, treated or admitted as necessary, on the understanding that parents have been informed, and are on their way to the hospital. 

In the event of an accident, staff deal with the child's injury first. The accident is written in our Accident Book, kept on the Administrator's desk. Parent's are requested to sign the accident form when collecting their child on the day of the accident. 

In the event of a head injury, parents are contacted to inform them of the situation. If we have concerns, we ask parents to collect their child and have them checked over, otherwise the child remains at Pre-School where they are monitored closely and, at the first signs of any changes we will contact the parents and ask that the child is collected. The parents will sign the accident book and will be given a slip of paper informing them of signs and symptoms to look out for. 

Legal Framework

Health and Safety ( First Aid) Regulations 1981 


The original of this document was signed on behalf of Carmel Caterpillars Pre-School Committee by the current Chairperson