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Carmel Caterpillars Preschool


Carmel Caterpillars Pre-School

Promoting Health and Hygiene

No Smoking/ E Cigarettes/ Drugs and Alcohol Policy

Policy Statement

We comply with health and safety regulations and the Welfare Requirements of the EYFS, in making our setting a NO-Smoking environment, both indoors and outdoors. We are also aware that smoking/E Cigarettes are lawful, and a matter of choice for adults. However we are also aware that many disapprove, and do not wish their child to be exposed to the effects of cigarette smoke and E cigarette vapour. We also recognise that our employees have the right to work in a smoke free environment. 


  • All staff, parents and volunteers are made aware of our no-smoking policy. 
  • No one is permitted to smoke at anytime on or around the Pre-School setting and grounds, including the car park area. 
  • The no-smoking policy is stated in our information brochure for parents. 
  • Staff who do smoke do not do so during working hours, unless on a break and off the premises, or any surrounding area, including the car park. 
  • Staff who smoke during their break make every effort to reduce the effect of the odour and lingering effects of passive smoking for children and colleagues. 
  • All staff are informed of this at the time of their interview, and are required to say they agree to abide by this policy. 
  • Staff are not allowed extra breaks for the purpose of smoking


Alcohol, Drugs and Solvents

In the interest of health and safety, staff must NOT report to work under the influence of alcohol, non-prescribed drugs, or solvents. 

To do so will be treated as misconduct and could result in an instant dismissal.


The original of this document was signed on behalf of Carmel Caterpillars Pre-School Committee by the current chairperson.