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Carmel Caterpillars Preschool


Special Educational Needs & Disability Policy

Policy Statement

All children, including those with special educational needs/disabilities, whether those special needs have led to an individual child requiring an Educational Health Care Plan (EHC), will be provided for within the facilities of the Pre-school. The policy was created using the Special Educational Needs and Disability code of practice July 2014. We ensure our provision is inclusive to all children with SEN.

The policy will be given to all staff and is included in the Pre-school prospectus given to all interested parties and parents. We identify the specific needs of children with SEN and meet those needs through a range of strategies. We support both parents and children during their time with us at Pre-school. We monitor and review our policy periodically.



Regular staff meetings with assigned Key worker and other agencies involved, to discuss progress and assessments of progress. All staff are kept informed of relevant information. The relationship of shared information is encouraged between the parents, Pre-school and all relevant agencies.

When SEN is identified, the Key worker will conduct observations and share their findings with the rest of the team. The SENCO and Key person will inform the parents in a confidential manner and explain the Graduated Response approach. All members of staff will be made aware of the child's needs to enable them to support both the child and their family. We provide in-house training for all staff to help them meet the child's needs. Permission will be sought to conduct and record observations in the process of providing clear information in the event of a referral. All IEP planes will be shared and signed by parents. Parents will be fully informed of recordings and input from parents will be encouraged. We use systems for record keeping of the assessments, planning, provision and review for children with SEN.

The support programme will be updated regularly and if required support from outside resources and agencies if the programme is changed. Permission will be sought from the parents at all times.

 Graduated Approach

Assess - Key worker observes the child and will raise any issues or concerns with the SENCO

Plan - If SEN support is needed, the SENCO and Key person will discuss the plan of action to be taken, in conjunction with discussions with the child's parents.

Do - The SENCO, Key worker and parents will put a plan in to action (IEP) and where appropriate, the SENCO will bring in additional help as required (SLT, OT etc)

Review - The SENCO, Key worker and parents will monitor the child's progress, review and rewrite the plans regularly.


The SENCO ensures that all children with additional or special needs and disabilities have access to a broad and balanced curriculum and are given opportunities to participate in all activities provided. The SENCO ensures that the assigned Key worker of the child monitors, assesses and plans updated reports on their needs. The SENCO ensures the Graduated Approach is put in to effect. 

The original of this document was signed on behalf of Carmel Caterpillars Pre-school by the current Chairperson.